Biden’s Climate Change Agenda Unleashes Partnership Between $130.84 Billion Fortune 500 Goliath and Little Known Energy Company

Disseminated on behalf of SolarBank Corporation.

In March 2023, Elon Musk — the wunderkind behind industry disrupters PayPal, SpaceX and, of course, Tesla — unveiled his audacious vision for a world run exclusively on renewable energy.

This “Master Plan,” as he calls it, includes a detailed blueprint of what it will take to achieve a transition from fossil fuels to reliance on nuclear, hydro, wind and solar power.

Now, personally, I’ve always been a bit of a skeptic when it comes to green energy — mostly because of my concerns about its cost and reliability.

However, when the world’s richest man… someone who has successfully disrupted legacy industries not once, not twice, but three times… decides to take on an entire sector, I pay attention.

And start looking for investment opportunities.

Especially when the Biden Administration is using the full force of the federal government to turn Musk’s vision into a reality no matter what the cost.

And indeed, my research reveals that President Biden’s apocalyptic view of climate change and the green policies his administration is implementing have created a great investment opportunity.

As soon as he took office, he began an all-out war on fossil fuels.

According to the President, the power generated by oil, gas and coal will be replaced with power generated by windmills and solar panels.

It’s a little-known company my research uncovered that could be in an excellent position to take profitable advantage of the massive transition to renewable energy.

The company — SolarBank — stock symbol S-U-U-N on the Nasdaq and S-U-N-N on the Cboe Canada — is a little-known developer of solar power generation facilities.

SolarBank has been in business for more than 10 years, is profitable and has designed and built more than 100 solar power plants.

Perhaps SolarBank’s biggest coup to date came in late 2023 when it reached an agreement with Honeywell International, the $130.84 billion Fortune 100 behemoth.

Honeywell engaged SolarBank to engineer and build three seven megawatt solar power projects in upstate New York.
Better yet, SolarBank also has a pipeline of projects that could ensure significant growth for at least the next three to five years.

My research shows that SolarBank could be on its way to becoming a much bigger player in the booming solar power market. And that’s something that could be good for the company and makes the company one that investors should seriously consider.

I encourage you to do your own research on SolarBank, including consulting with your investment advisor or broker about whether or not this investment is suitable. If you make all your own investment decisions and don’t have or use an investment advisor or a broker dealer to make your investment decisions then you should do your own investigation. This investigation should include reading the Special Report I’ll tell you about in a moment, along with the publicly available materials from the applicable Canadian and/or United States securities commissions.

My name is Tim Collins, and I run an investment research firm called Streetlight Confidential.

The writers and editors of Streetlight Confidential keep tabs on a variety of investment opportunities across many industries, but one of our favorite investing categories is energy.

When it comes to energy investing, I’m a bit old-school — I’m generally drawn toward meat-and-potatoes investments like the ones you tend to find in oil and gas.

But I keep an eye on everything that’s happening in the energy industry, because there are plenty of compelling investments to be made outside of oil and gas investing …

… especially with the Biden administration’s aggressive new “green energy” policies.

Now, let’s take a look at the eight reasons why SolarBank could be a terrific investment opportunity for you.

Reason #1:
The U.S. and Other Governments are All-In on the Net Zero Bandwagon — and Solar Power is Critical to Making It Happen

The first reason I’m so excited about SolarBank is the net zero environmental policies enacted by the Biden Administration.

They’re driving a solar power boom by demanding that the world stop using fossil fuels and replace them with renewable sources of energy.

As this chart shows, renewable forms of energy — including solar power — have generated a rising percentage of U.S. electricity over the last 15 years.

Despite that growth, renewable energy sources still only provide about 22.5% of America’s electricity.

When you consider that the U.S. government wants 80% of U.S. energy production to be clean and renewable by 2030, we clearly have a long way to go.

As I mentioned, to make this all happen, the U.S. government is spending hundreds of billions of dollars.

For example, the Inflation Reduction Act spends $369 billion on clean energy projects.

And all that is on top of the $242 billion allocated by the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act to fight climate change with clean energy.

An analysis by Jeffries, a leading global investment bank, predicts “exponential growth” ahead for renewable energy.

However, the billions of dollars in spending are just a portion of what’s driving the fast growth of the solar power market.

Politicians are also imposing mandates to make the transition move even faster.

At least 30 states have passed mandates to use an increasing percentage of renewable energy.

Meeting these mandates requires a massive increase in the amount of energy generated by renewables.

SolarBank is in a great position to help utilities meet these mandates by developing the solar power projects they need.

Now, of course, future governments may revise, reduce or eliminate incentives and policy support for solar and battery storage power, which could affect demand for SolarBank’s services.

However, given the solar industry’s current momentum, it’s my opinion that that risk will be mitigated by rising demand and increasing private capital investment. Which brings me to my second reason.

Reason #2: Billionaire Investors and Private Equity Firms are Pouring Billions of Dollars

The second reason I’m so optimistic about the solar power industry — and SolarBank — is that billionaire investors and private equity firms are pouring billions of dollars into renewable energy and clean tech companies.

For starters, S&P Global Commodity Insights reviewed private equity investments from August 2022 through February 2023 and found that firms invested more than $50 billion in those seven months alone.

A multitude of billionaire investors are also pouring money into the clean energy sector via the multi-billion-dollar investment fund, Breakthrough Energy Ventures.

The fund was founded by Bill Gates in 2016 in order to finance and commercialize new clean energy technologies that are also reliable and affordable.

His fund has attracted the involvement and support of a who’s who of the world’s billionaires. In addition to Gates, that list includes:

    • Jeff Bezos, founder of
    • Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group
    • Michael Bloomberg, founder of Bloomberg LP
    • And many others

    To date, Breakthrough Energy Ventures has raised $2 billion, though Gates goal is to raise and invest $15 billion in clean energy ventures.

    While you can’t invest in the private start-ups these billionaires are taking a chance on, you can potentially get in on the opportunity presented by the green energy revolution with SolarBank.

    Reason #3:
    Demand for Solar Energy is Soaring and SolarBank is Positioned to Meet that Demand

    My third reason why you should look carefully at SolarBank is that demand for solar energy is soaring and it’s well positioned to meet some of that demand.

    In fact, since 2010, global solar power capacity has risen an astonishing 48 times.

    This rising demand has been fueled in part by the spending and mandates I detailed a moment ago.

    However, a third factor is that, as this chart shows, the cost of both solar and battery storage have fallen dramatically over the last decade.

    Since 2011, its cost has fallen by a whopping 90%.

    And the future looks even brighter.

    The International Renewable Energy Agency estimates that electricity consumption derived from renewables will grow from 25% in 2018 to 90% by 2050.

    And #1 will be solar, which the Department of Energy, says could account for as much as 40% of the U.S. electricity supply by 2035.


    But get this: Currently, solar accounts for only about 5% of all the electricity generated in the U.S.

    In other words, the next five to 10 years are going to see massive growth in the solar industry.

    As you’ll see in a moment, SolarBank is already taking profitable advantage of this growth.

    Reason #4: SolarBank Has an Impressive Résumé That’s Opening Up Vast Opportunity

    The fourth reason I’m so optimistic about SolarBank is that the company has an impressive résumé that’s opening up vast opportunity.

    The solar power market is defined by intense competition and constant innovation, and many companies aren’t able to keep up with the pace of change. It’s an industry-wide risk. And one SolarBank isn’t immune to.

    U.S. Renewable Electricity Generation
    (In Billion Kilowatt Hours)

    However, the fact that SolarBank has successfully navigated those risks for more than a decade — while turning a profit, I might add — leads me to believe that it is well suited to continue developing and operating its solar projects well into the future.

    In fact, the company has built more than 100 solar power plants — primarily in Canada and the United States.

    However, as I mentioned earlier, perhaps the company’s most impressive achievement is its September 2023 agreement to engineer and build three seven megawatt solar power projects in upstate New York for Honeywell International.

    The agreement is valued at $41 million — which is significant because it’s more than twice the company’s entire 2022 revenue.

    SolarBank’s agreement with Honeywell shows just how good a reputation the company has in the solar industry.

    However, the Honeywell deal was just the tip of the iceberg as 2023 was a year of success for the company.

    All this gives the company a great deal of credibility for the plans it has for the future, which brings me to…

    Reason #5: SolarBank Has Embarked on an Expansion Plan that Could Mean Significant Growth Ahead

    Reason number five: SolarBank has embarked on an expansion plan that could mean significant growth ahead.

    The company’s President and CEO — Dr. Richard Lu — has set his sights on dramatically growing the company by becoming an Independent Power Producer that will build its own solar farms to generate power that it will sell to utilities and commercial entities.

    This “build and own” model provides more stable long term revenue than building plants for others. It also offers the largest market for solar energy long term and the opportunity for significant growth.

    That’s because demand from utilities for green power — especially solar — is growing exponentially.

    SolarBank has already begun building its independent power producer portfolio. In November 2023 it acquired control of two corporations that hold solar projects in Ontario.

    The company also recently began construction of its Geddes project in Geddes, New York. This will be the largest solar project to date to be owned by SolarBank — though it’s subject to conclusion of financing. Once operational it’s expected to provide green energy for more than 500 homes.

    Now, the growth of SolarBank’s independent power producer portfolio is dependent on access to additional debt and equity financing to support the development of these projects.

    There’s no two ways about it — big aspirations require access to capital.

    However, one of the things that really impresses me about SolarBank is that while it makes these aggressive plans for the future — plans that could help the company grow significantly — the management team is fiscally conservative, and its smart asset allocation tells me they’re not “betting the farm” on one big play that may or may not come to fruition.

    Reason #6: SolarBank’s Vertical Integration Provides a Competitive Advantage and Lets the Company Move Faster

    Moving on to my sixth reason to consider SolarBank, I’m also impressed with the company’s vertical integration, which provides a competitive advantage and lets the company move faster.

    While most solar companies focus on one specific area of the renewable energy value chain, SolarBank brings its expertise to all of it.

    SolarBank’s (Nasdaq: SUUN) Vertical Integration Gives the Company a Strong Competitive Advantage

    It all starts with the origination of a project. SolarBank analyzes government policies, digs deep into the project’s finances to make sure it will create value for shareholders and finds and secures the right site for the project.

    It then brings its development expertise to bear to get the necessary permits and environmental approvals.

    The company’s financial team also gets involved to secure financial via equity, debt, tax credits or traditional construction financing.

    It then delivers the goods by engineering the project, procuring the necessary equipment and materials and building the project.

    Lastly, the company can take care of operations and management.

    All this creates a seamless and efficient process that allows SolarBank to bring a project to fruition in as little as 12 to 18 months.

    Reason #7: SolarBank (Nasdaq: SUUN) is Profitable

    Next is the fact that the company is profitable.

    SolarBank doubled its revenue to $14 million in the fiscal year that ended in June 2023.

    Better yet, based on the projects it has already secured, SolarBank has provided revenue guidance of $33 to $37 million for the next fiscal year, which would be another double by June 2024.

    That demonstrates that SolarBank is taking advantage of the growth within the industry.

    However, it’s not just about revenue. The company was also profitable for its most recently completed financial year.

    It also has less than $2.1 million in long term debt as of the quarter that ended September 30, 2023, which means it’s not burdened with the huge debt service that hobbles so many companies.

    Reason #8: A Strong Management Team with More than 100 years of Combined Experience

    Reason number eight is the company’s strong management team — one of the most critical factors in the success of any company.

    That’s why I always take a close look to make sure management has the expertise and the experience to move the company forward.

    Fortunately, when I did my deep dive on the management behind SolarBank I found a solid team with the skills and the experience to take the company to the next level.

    These are just some of the reasons I’m now recommending that my subscribers speak with their investment advisor and seriously consider an investment in SolarBank.

    Just remember, as with any investment, there are risks. The solar market can be volatile, and demand for solar power can fluctuate. This could reduce the company’s revenue.

    We could also see government incentives dry up. Or the economy could fall into recession, which could affect anything from the company’s supply chains to its revenues and operations.

    These potential risks, among others, are why it’s vital to do your due diligence.

    In my opinion, however, the data shows that demand for SolarBank’s next-gen energy offerings could keep increasing over the mid- to long-term.

    My confidence in the company is based on everything I’ve outlined so far in this video.

    However, I have so much more to tell you about why I’m so impressed. And you’ll find it in a new Special Report I recently completed.

    It’s called How Investors Can Profit From America’s Pending Energy Crisis.

    Better yet, I’ll send you a copy absolutely FREE when you accept a risk-free test drive of my Streetlight Confidential Newsletter.

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    Plus, you’ll receive up to four FREE Special Reports valued at $79.20, including:

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    However, whether you decide to subscribe or not, be sure to speak with your financial advisor about investing in SolarBank — stock symbol S-U-U-N on the Nasdaq and S-U-N-N on the Cboe Canada — while it’s still under the radar of Wall Street and most other investors.

    This is Tim Collins. Thank you for watching.

    SolarBank Corporation’s (the “Company’s”) revenue guidance is considered to be financial outlook. The purpose of the financial outlook is to assist investors, shareholders, and others in understanding certain financial metrics relating to expected 2024 financial results for evaluating the performance of the Company’s business and is dated as of the September 30, 2023. This information may not be appropriate for other purposes. Information about the Company’s guidance, including the various assumptions underlying it, is forward-looking and should be read in conjunction with the forward-looking statement disclaimer below and the related disclosure and information about various economic, competitive, and regulatory assumptions, factors, and risks that may cause the Company’s actual future financial and operating results to differ from what it currently expects.
    This report contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information ‎within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation (collectively, “forward-looking ‎statements”) that relate to the Company’s current expectations and views of future events. ‎Any statements that express, or involve discussions as to, expectations, beliefs, plans, ‎objectives, assumptions or future events or performance (often, but not always, through the ‎use of words or phrases such as “will likely result”, “are expected to”, “expects”, “will ‎continue”, “is anticipated”, “anticipates”, “believes”, “estimated”, “intends”, “plans”, “forecast”, ‎‎”projection”, “strategy”, “objective” and “outlook”) are not historical facts and may be ‎forward-looking statements and may involve estimates, assumptions and uncertainties ‎which could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those expressed in ‎such forward-looking statements. In particular and without limitation, this report ‎contains forward-looking statements pertaining to the Company’s expectations regarding its industry trends and overall market growth; the Company’s growth strategies the expected energy production from the solar power projects mentioned in this press release; the reduction of carbon emissions; the receipt of incentives for the projects; the expected value of EPC Contracts; future revenue guidance and the size of the Company’s development pipeline. No assurance ‎can be given that these expectations will prove to be correct and such forward-looking ‎statements included in this report should not be unduly relied upon. These ‎statements speak only as of the date of this report.‎
    Forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by the Company in light of the experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments and other factors it believes are appropriate, and are subject to risks and uncertainties. In making the forward looking statements included in this report, the Company has made various material assumptions, including but not limited to: obtaining the necessary regulatory approvals; that regulatory requirements will be maintained; general business and economic conditions; the Company’s ability to successfully execute its plans and intentions; the availability of financing on reasonable terms; the Company’s ability to attract and retain skilled staff; market competition; the products and services offered by the Company’s competitors; that the Company’s current good relationships with its service providers and other third parties will be maintained; and government subsidies and funding for renewable energy will continue as currently contemplated. Although the Company believes that the assumptions underlying these statements are reasonable, they may prove to be incorrect, and the Company cannot assure that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. Given these risks, uncertainties and assumptions, investors should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.
    Whether actual results, performance or achievements will conform to the Company’s expectations and predictions is subject to a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors, including those listed under “Forward-‎Looking Statements” and “Risk ‎Factors” in the final long form prospectus of the Company dated February 10, 2023, and other public filings of the Company, which include: the Company may be adversely affected by volatile solar power market and industry conditions; the execution of the Company’s growth strategy depends upon the continued availability of third-party financing arrangements; the Company’s future success depends partly on its ability to expand the pipeline of its energy business in several key markets; governments may revise, reduce or eliminate incentives and policy support schemes for solar and battery storage power; general global economic conditions may have an adverse impact on our operating performance and results of operations; the Company’s project development and construction activities may not be successful; developing and operating solar projects exposes the Company to various risks; the Company faces a number of risks involving Power Purchase Agreements (“PPAs”) and project-level financing arrangements; any changes to the laws, regulations and policies that the Company is subject to may present technical, regulatory and economic barriers to the purchase and use of solar power; the markets in which the Company competes are highly competitive and evolving quickly; an anti-circumvention investigation could adversely affect the Company by potentially raising the prices of key supplies for the construction of solar power projects; foreign exchange rate fluctuations; a change in the Company’s effective tax rate can have a significant adverse impact on its business; seasonal variations in demand linked to construction cycles and weather conditions may influence the Company’s results of operations; the Company may be unable to generate sufficient cash flows or have access to external financing; the Company may incur substantial additional indebtedness in the future; the Company is subject to risks from supply chain issues; risks related to inflation; unexpected warranty expenses that may not be adequately covered by the Company’s insurance policies; if the Company is unable to attract and retain key personnel, it may not be able to compete effectively in the renewable energy market; there are a limited number of purchasers of utility-scale quantities of electricity; compliance with environmental laws and regulations can be expensive; corporate responsibility may adversely impose additional costs; the future impact of COVID-19 on the Company is unknown at this time; the Company has limited insurance coverage; the Company will be reliant on information technology systems and may be subject to damaging cyberattacks; the Company may become subject to litigation; there is no guarantee on how the Company will use its available funds; the Company will continue to sell securities for cash to fund operations, capital expansion, mergers and acquisitions that will dilute the current shareholders; and future dilution as a result of financings.
    The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any ‎forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or ‎otherwise, except as may be required by law. New factors emerge from time to time, and it ‎is not possible for the Company to predict all of them, or assess the impact of each such ‎factor or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause results to ‎differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Any forward-‎looking statements contained in this report are expressly qualified in their entirety by ‎this cautionary statement.‎
    This report was paid for by SolarBank Corporation. This compensation should be viewed as a major conflict with our ability to be unbiased.